Page name: Cutters Poetry [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-13 21:36:33
Last author: iCh3wi
Owner: deathly ~*~ beautiful
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2005-06-23 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol im sry.. .its just that really no one talks in there... but if you want me to join AGAIN then i guess i will

2005-06-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i dont care i was just giving you a hard like i said i was just messin with

2005-06-23 [Juggalette Ryda]: ohhh ok... hobbits not on... *cries* i sent him a message and he anit on

2005-06-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: he will be back he had to do something..

2005-06-23 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh ok then

2005-06-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: so you doing better?

2005-06-23 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya somewhat.. thankz

2005-06-23 [kdfjhg]: how could i put pictures on my poem's page (and put more drawings up in my house???)

2005-06-23 [iCh3wi]: Sorry, the only pics allowed on the peoms pages are the ones I put up. That reminds me, if anyone has any on their pages right now you better remove them before I go thru and inspect them, or else they will be lost.

2005-06-23 [Juggalette Ryda]: i dont have none.. *sticks tounge at silenced* hahahaha you cant look

2005-06-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...i dont have any besides the ones he put...i wonder if he enjoys the power trip this gives him...oops did i say that

2005-06-23 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Yup, I do enjoy the power trip. Ash, Im leavin Wednesday for NY and wont be back till July 14, i need you to manage this wiki while im gone, okies?

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ok,koolness i get the power trip no prob..

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: oooh noooo *hides*

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Hahahaha, that should be interesting, lol

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: *stays hidin as i tremble*

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i will be nice i i will TRY to be

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: ooo *looks at you with feared eyes*

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: I need some ice, my wrists are infected I think, they hurt like hell!

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: what happened silenced??? *gives you ice*

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Dunno, I guess my cuts were still a little fresh, and my bracelets rusted and leave marks on my arms. So they must have infected my cuts. They burn and itch real bad.

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh... dont scratch at them or nothing tho.. you need to go to the hospital if its that bad... cuz if it gets worse ur arm might get amputated

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Im putting a bandage on my arm and putting tons of Neosporin and Peroxide on it.

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: oh alright... good

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Yup. Hey people, we need some more banners and more advertisement. Please put a banner in your house and recruit members!!!

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: ok ill put a banner in my house... lol.. but i cant make good banners so i anit even gonna try/... lol

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: okies, n e help is appreciated.

2005-06-24 [Juggalette Ryda]: there you go i added thee banner

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey ppl..ow u ok crowe?

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: wow u got some talinted people who can write...varry beautifull work guys!!

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey emerald!!i gots a new 8th page check out the poem i have on it..i wrote it last night..

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: nice i will hunn

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: wow hunn thats really good i like it ..slightly sadd but ur point it put across really good u got talint gurl

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thanks still adding poems *crys* when will it ever end?!! lol

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: lol sighin yea i know what u mean i have voer 1 30 poems an 28 songs i've writein

2005-06-24 [morbid curiousity666]: lol,yeah i know and i keep adding im aready up to 8 pages and im getting tired of adding

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: lol buts thats cool it shows who you are err at least a side of u meww lol

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,the side that no one but very few see..

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: lol thats not such a bad thing eather ur really nice no matter how u act wether ur pist or not lol

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: maby if more people see ur work some might not judge u as some might already do..

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,yeah wow erm i was on my other account and i think the names got crossed b/c it says morbid

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: lol yea..i duno meww

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: erm yeah whats up?

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Hello everyone. I'm alright I guess Ash, thanx for askin.

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: thats good to have a head ache and am temporarily depressed for no reason at all..

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: That sux eggs.

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: hay a loud silence i juss read some more of ur poems they ant bad hunn urs are good to silence-crow.. ttyl peace have funa latta

2005-06-24 [iCh3wi]: Thanks, I'm glad you like them.

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: your welcome an yea i doo they're really unique

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah it sux and thanks dimond...

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: hugs a loud silence hay gurl sup u ok?...oh an ur welcome

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah im fine just a bit sad 4 no reason ill be fine..i always am..

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: o..damn sux * huggals silence*yea i get that way quite offten sux lol an it's like wow where the hell did that come from when i was fealing ok....meww

2005-06-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah well now i have a reason and im not sad now im mad..

2005-06-24 [DimondEyes_666]: ouch.. sorry hunn..can i help at all.......

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: I have a new poem im posting, please read and tell me what u think.

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: It's called "My Love of You".

2005-06-25 [Juggalette Ryda]: i read i read... awww so cute... i like.. lol.. *cries* i wish someone loved me and didnt break my heart like they alwayz do

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i just got on ill read it just give me a sec..

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: Ok

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow..aww its so sweet ...i wish some guy would say that to me,i always end up with assholes..but today is me and johns one month anniversary!yay..the first relationship ive had last this i

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: YAY! Congrats!! Glad you likes. Umm, you could do to John what my ex did to me one time, forward a poem like the one I wrote to him, and that would give him a hint to write one for you.

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol nah he dont reads mine but im not sure if he understands them..hes more of a erm..well i dunno he dont drawl or

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: Crowe, did you ever get my poem put up? I'm asking because I have a new entry I'd like to make. 

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: he logged out earlier...

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: *sighs* Well would you like to see it?

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah you know how to enter poems into your page?i can tell you if you like..

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: I'm bach. Ummm, Kathren, I don't post other member's poems, you have your own pages and you post it your self. You have a page right? *goes off to check*

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: I didn't know. I knew that you had said something about a page for me but I didn't have a clue if you were setting it up or what.  And welcome back by the way

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: Ok, Im making it now. Ill send you your password in a sec.

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey welcome

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: Thnx. Ok, your page is done Kathren, now I have to make your friends page Ash, whats Bens screenname for EP, i lost his message.

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: NM, I found it, Im making hios page now.

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..ok..hehe i got you another member..

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: Thanks Crowe... new poem is up.

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: YUP! Now i have to make his page

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..busy busy arent we?lol..are you talking about [forbidden sacrafice]?

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: *sighs* I have finished Kathren and tears of bloods pages. Now i have to make 2 otheres, im soooooooooo behond *cries*

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: *pats* It's all right. We're behind you here... *smiles* Here. Have a Diet Coke.

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: OOOOOO!!!!!! Thankies!!!

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: You're welcome. I'm glad I've done some good for someone.

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..well if i knew how you made them id help ya out but i dont..

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: Oooo, well I better show you. When I leave Wednesday, you will be in charge here.

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: I'll message you.

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: 4 u im a fast

2005-06-25 [iCh3wi]: ok, its a ;long meesage hopefully u understand. well i ahve to go, im going to a party and wont be back till tomorrow, bye all, if anyone needs anything made, just talk to ash. goodbye for a while,

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..i undestand it all even though your yeah like he said if ya need anything made talk to me...ill be glad to help

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: Bye for now Crowe... er Richard lol

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...hey im bout to go read your poem..when your page gets full let me know and ill make you another one..k?

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: Me? ok... Thanks again... I'm Kathren Li, by the way... *bows*

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol.nice to meet you im liked liked em..

2005-06-25 [kdfjhg]: hello... wrote some kick-ass poetry however i haven't added it yet... can't find it actually (i think i lost it). cut my vein, real deep. my wrist hurts but i like the pain.

2005-06-25 [kdfjhg]: silence??? since crowe is gone i will ask you, can i put a banner up in my house???

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..ow im sorry i was temped to cut last night but i couldnt find anything to thats good i doing alot better and havent cut in two weeks..

2005-06-25 [Kathren]: Thanks Ashley... I could probably write some really scary-like true ones right now

2005-06-25 [kdfjhg]: thats good silence. i did... it's deep... bad...

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im sorry i hope you are ok...see the worst thing someone can do is yell at you i hate that..that or i get those dissapointed looks which i also hate...and your welcome kathern

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah you can put a banner in your house he said yesterday that he whanted everyone to and try to get more members..

2005-06-25 [kdfjhg]: ok thanks... and your rite, it only makes it worse when they yell at you.

2005-06-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah i know and no problem...i always get looks and get yelled at and it just makes me want to do it again..

2005-06-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: is anyone here?

2005-06-26 [iCh3wi]: Hi, what's up?

2005-06-26 [DimondEyes_666]: nothing really you..?

2005-06-26 [iCh3wi]: Bored as hell.

2005-06-26 [iCh3wi]: Okies, bye.

2005-06-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey back i got kikd

2005-06-26 [iCh3wi]: lolol

2005-06-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: nah my dad told me that he thinks i spend too much time on the net..whatever i hate my what have you been up to?

2005-06-26 [iCh3wi]: Went to a huge party, got buzzed, real good. and......................came home. lol

2005-06-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..wish i was there sounds fun...everything is boring here..*yawn* lol..

2005-06-27 [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥]: [kdfjhg]!!!!!! whoot!! you ish on here too!

2005-06-27 [iCh3wi]: [♥Y00H D0N`T SEE MEH♥] feel free to make the link,

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: i wanna cut again

2005-06-27 [kdfjhg]: i have... deeper, harder...

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: freaky you said i couldnt anymore so you cant either..ok?

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: crowe what are you talking about?"feel free to make the link" huh?im

2005-06-27 [DimondEyes_666]: hi silence..

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey dimond!!

2005-06-27 [DimondEyes_666]: hi hun suppy?..

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: im not gonna cut

2005-06-27 [DimondEyes_666]: thats probbly a good thing might feal good at times... don't always mean it's right...heh sorry i'm one to talk...

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: no its ok... ive cut tons of times before... but it seems like i really dont wanna cut this time even that its a time i wwould really cut

2005-06-27 [DimondEyes_666]: sighing wow...mewww that's rather interesting sighing eya i've cut many uh times an yea... well good for u hunn

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya i know

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im glad your not going doing alot better...its addicting though..but i do my

2005-06-27 [DimondEyes_666]: yea.. meww gotta head hugs skootals'z bye guys

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: ya just keep going at it and dont give in... sometimes i need to take my own advice.. and bye dimond

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..yeah i now i always need to take my advice but the sad part is that i never

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: yup same with me.. i never do either

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,well maybe if we give..ok this is going to sound confusing but i know what i mean,say i give you your advice and you give me mine ,so im a way we are tricking our selves into taking our own advice..did that make sence?lol

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol ya that did.. but it will never work for me.. i got an advice expert im talkin to right now.. my buddy tj

2005-06-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..well good luck with

2005-06-27 [Juggalette Ryda]: lol i alwayz have luck with him but he had to go... hehehe i just talk to him later.. he lives behind me newayz

2005-06-27 [iCh3wi]: Wiccan Tears said something about making a link to this page from another wiki, so I approved it.

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: oh rite i was so confused about what you were talking about,but im always confused over dumb

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: Lolol, don't worry, I am too.

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,im i wrote a new poem on 8 its the last one..will u go read it n tell me what u think?i wrote it at 1am this morning*yawn*lol,its called self inflicted

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: Ok, I will. I wrote a suicide note this morning in the form of a poem, almost done.

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: os that good..or bad?your not gonna die are you?*grabs your leg*if you can kill ur self then so can i!!

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: Ooo, I like it, very truthful from my veiwpoint I think.Did you read my poem labeled "My Love of You"

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah i did i think yesterday or the day b4 and i told u i liked it..member b/c then u told me bout trying to get john to rite me one..i member now!!lol!!lol,and thank ya..

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: OH YEAH! I still think you should, but that's my opinion. Sometimes, I feel as if I am trying to save my sisters relationship more than I focus on Ariel and my relationship.

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol,well im about to break up with john though..hes cheating on me *sighs* why do i always fall for assholes that cheat on me and lie??

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: I dunno, maybe you need anti-asswhole/liar bf attraction pills. I posted my poem, please tell me what you think. Its the last on eon my page.

2005-06-28 [$*Miss Addi*$]: hey

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: Hello

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: there's severe weather outside... i'm debating going outside and getting struck by lightening or cutting... both sound excellent right now.

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: Hmm, personnally I would take cutting, but it's your choice, not mine.

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: im thinking about it.... but my dad will get really pissed off if i do... he said he'd rather i had a smoke. *sigh* i don't know what to do with myself

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: My parents don't know about my smoking ciggs, or cutting. And they never will.

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: that's good... try and keep it that way

2005-06-28 [iCh3wi]: Oh trust me I will.

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: that's good. don't be a fuckup like me ^_^

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey i just got on.i will read it in a moment..and let you know what i think..

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: wow,coolness i like it...

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: what do you like???

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: oh hios new poem he rote..he tolds me to check it out..

2005-06-28 [$*Miss Addi*$]: whats up

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: ahhh i c now

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: since i promised i wouldnt cut and i promised i wouldnt kill myself does anyone know someone i can hire to kill me?i want to die..i feel so miserable...and its all my fault too..

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: ohhh... why?

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: just wondering the reasons... somtimes it's good to have a listener...

2005-06-28 [forbidden sacrafice]: i know how you feel i promised i wouldnt cut no more and yet i found something else to do when im in need of it

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: b/c alot of shit is going wrong and i hurt and lost the two ppl i love..

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: i have nothing, yet my blades. see, how i figure is that no one can be your shoulder for you to lean on 24.7, no one will be there all the time... except for yourself. you must become independant and strong...

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: i was ,and i knew who i was and everything was great..then this stuff happened and then i lost it all..

2005-06-28 [forbidden sacrafice]: thou when your a person who really deserves all that great time is just what it takes and you do deserve it even not knowing you that long i can see that

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: it doesn't bother me much anymore about how my friends abandon me... i just live each day now, to the max and it's great. im having fun currently, right now. with my cutting, smoking and other things i am enjoying my cravings.. they are good to me

2005-06-28 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah cutting is something i rarely do anymore because i mean all my friends that i do have really are friends that care and it always scares them to think that im this way but for smoking eh not something all people like but hey its a craving i love to enjoy expecially when times are bad and you are just stressed out

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah welll i promised not to cut or to kill myself,i dont let ppl that talk shit to me bother me at all nut im still getting hurt even when im not attached anymore...*sighs*everything happens for a reason..

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: yes it does. just take things one day at a time. my philosophy, "shit happens"... just deal with it.. me, i have no motivation anymore to stand up for myself but hey, sometimes they stop yelling after a bit

2005-06-28 [forbidden sacrafice]: well ive luckly got to the point where people dont stand up to me no more because of what i have gone through people know what i go through now and people rarely say shit to me because people know my anger my problem really because when i get pissed i stand up and say something about it either that or say it in my actions

2005-06-28 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: yeah when im depressed i have major anger problems..thats why when im upset or derpessed my friends know to leave me alone unless i go up to them...i wanted to fight this guy today b/c he was bein an asshole and i wanted to take my anger out on sum1 but my friend sam wouldnt let me..damn..

2005-06-28 [forbidden sacrafice]: ehh its for the better thou i mean when im pissed its 5 people holding me back from fucking up

2005-06-28 [forbidden sacrafice]: there is only one person i have never fought without being held back and that was because i did not wanna fuck up the relationship me and him have and yet today after all that has gone on he is still like my brother

2005-06-28 [kdfjhg]: just let the anger pass man... they shut up faster....

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah i try but i have my breaking points and they arent pritty when i have them

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: after all the promises i made to not cut anymore here is where it breaks i cant stand it today to much happened i found out my gf was cheating on me and wants to break up because she just doesnt wanna be with me no more what the hell am i going to do

2005-06-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: so you were rite?im so so sorry i know what it feels like i have been there several really hurts..

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: Well, I just got back from a night of hell. Stayed at my gran's house and got in a fight with my cousins several times. I ended up cutting myself 3 times, and writing a suicide note in blood. I have it posted on my poems page. Sorry to hear everything that happened Ash. Also, I'm leaving tomorrow afternoon, so Ash will be in charge till I get back on the 14th. Also, when you join, you do not have to say whether or not you are or arent a cutter. I noticed several people are doing that now.

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: yeah oh things are sucky right now

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: Welll.......I wrote my suicide note in blood last night....can't get any shittier than that......well it can.

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: i put a new story true really its on tears of blood poems page 4 if you wanna read

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: i will, hang on ill be bach

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: alright

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: *cant think of anything helpful to say* O...............I have been thru something similar too this. I witnessed my best friend get shot and killed when I was in 7th grade. I miss him very much.......he was my true best friend for the longest time.........

2005-06-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hey crowe dont forget to make sure i can have acess to this wiki b/c i still cant get in..

2005-06-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: im feeling better i got out of the house and hung with still depressed though..

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: If I ever lost my girlfriend Ariel............................I won't be here anymore. It's because of her I didnt kill myself a few weeks ago.

2005-06-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: know i used to think that all the time when i was with a guy,i mean i wantd to be loved and love someone so bad i convinced myself that i loved that guy then they broke my heart..again and again..*sighs* i might think about suicicde but i aint got enough guts to do it..

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: it really hurts so much knowing that the person i loved all my life even thou i held it back and never told her felt the same way and i didnt have the guts to tell her untill it was to late

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: Have you ever spent 2 days laying on the floor........bleeeding your soul on the floor........crying your self to sleep both nights.............while your parents dont even notice...............and people who you think are your friends tell you latr that you are the worst friend to have because of what you doand they dont want to associate with you anymore? I did a few nights ago........

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: one month i cried for that whole month well 32 days to be exact after that whole thing happened well yeah it hurt alot

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: My old ghroup of friends would abuse me verbally and physically and my ex before ariel actually asked me to kill myself so she could be single

2005-06-29 [forbidden sacrafice]: thats bad it truely is because you are still alive i bow to that*bows* but i have to go now

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: Ok, good night. Well all, I am leaving now. I will only be able to sign on breifly while in West Virginia, but I will try to sometime. Ash is in charge while I am gone, so listen to her, bye.

2005-06-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: bye everyone..

2005-06-29 [Monika]: Hmm dunno if anyone is on, but got bored and thought of just introducing myself to everyone.  Well I'm Monika...and

2005-06-29 [iCh3wi]: Well, I cant leave till 1, so I am on for a bit. Hi Monika, I'm Richard, the owner.

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